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Madeth and Lalvan successfully obtain a castle but it seems that there is a rumour going on around that says the castle is haunted by a spirit The spirit is actually an angel that blesses kings that are currently ruling the land of good fortune and that he will be loved by all the people of the land He will also be most likely ruling the land for a long time However, one day, the appearanceMadeth and Lalvan successfully obtain a castle but it seems that there is a rumour going on around that says the castle is haunted by a spirit The spirit is actually an angel that blesses kings that are currently ruling the land of good fortune and that he will be loved by all the people of the land He will also be most likely ruling the land for a long time However, one day, the appearance嫉妬と羨望。そして軽蔑。少しずつ狂い始めた歯車と、開いていく二人の距離。悲哀に満ちた目で彼らを見つめる天使は何を思うのか? 王マ | ピッコマ
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